Series 600

The Invincible 600 has a built in solid steel ring locked in place by reinforcement materials at the arch crown. This enables the 600 to handle vacuum conditions in excess of those listed for the 500 in multiple arch joints.

Style – 602

Style – 603

Style – 604

Material & Operating Temperatures

Series 600
Tube Cover Max Oper. Temp.
B Butyl Butyl  225°F*
H Hypalon Hypalon 225°F
HN Hypalon Neoprene 225°F
N Neoprene Neoprene 225°F
NH Neoprene Hypalon 225°F
Ni Nitrile Nitrile 210°F
NiN Nitrile Neoprene 210°F
NR Neoprene Natural 225°F
R Natural Natural 180°F
RN Natural Neoprene 180°F
V Viton® Viton®   250°F*
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